Generally speaking

Author: Sarah Jo /

Hello,'s what's happening in the life of Sarah Jo lately....I started taking Tae Kwon Do about a month ago and I'm really enjoying it. I've always wanted to try martial arts, but was always so busy with basketball, dance, and theater when I was growing up. I recieved my yellow belt (1 stripe) last week and I will be competing in a tournament on March 14th...forms and sparring! It's going to be a lot of fun. We had an interesting weather weekend in Maconga...very wet and warm (which is normal) until Sunday, when I woke up to find it sleeting. By the time church was out it was coming down a bit harder, and by the time lunch was over it turned into a full out snowfall! Around 3 we had definite flurries. It was so unreal! I remember having an ice storm while I was at Mercer, but other than that I don't recall ever seeing winter weather in Macon. It was so beautiful to watch out the windows at the house and at the restaurant. Anyways, I must get ready for TKD class....more posting to come!


Cthulu said...

I earned my black belt at Ahn's a few years ago. I did enjoy it, although I stopped going when it all got to be too much. Have fun!