
Author: Sarah Jo /

Hello, readers! Here's a little update for you. I'm at 34 weeks and everything is moving along nicely. My weight and measurements are good...I am a bit anemic, so I had to start taking iron pills recently. Other than that, I'm just getting as prepared as I can for Ridge's arrival! I have a shower this weekend, so that's exciting. I'm also reading as much as I can about labor and delivery. Basically my plan is to gather as much information as I can about the process and different ways to cope with labor, then have all of those in mind and do what feels right to my body when the time comes. I'm hoping to have as natural a birth as possible, although I understand the need for medication might become a necessity if problems arise. My thoughts are that women have been doing this since the beginning of humanity, so there's a reason why each woman's body responds to labor differently. I'm really hoping to be able to allow my body to go through the whole birth cycle without the intervention of drugs for pain or to speed delivery. We'll see how it goes...I'm not really going to make a concrete "birth plan," because I know it would probably get scrapped anyway. I'm just going to do what feels right to my body...and hopefully the hospital staff won't make me stay in bed. That's the last thing I want to do. I feel like I'd much rather be moving around and doing what feels good to my body during labor than stuck on my back with a bunch of instruments strapped to me. We'll see how things work out.